
A radiant smile is a powerful asset. It boosts confidence and makes a lasting impression. But not everyone is born with perfect teeth. 

Braces were long the top choice to align misaligned teeth before clear aligners came along. The Invisalign brand is near-synonymous with clear aligners for its effective treatment.

Invisalign allows you to achieve that ideal smile without the hassle of traditional braces. If you’re curious about how Invisalign dentists work their magic, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can transform your smile with Invisalign.

How Invisalign Dentists Create Perfect Smiles: A Step-by-Step Guide_1What is Invisalign?

Ever wonder how celebrities get their teeth perfectly aligned? The secret is clear aligners. Some may even be wearing them without anyone’s notice. Many celebrities, including Justin Bieber, Zac Efron, and Eva Longoria, have used Invisalign to perfect their smiles. 

Introduced in 1998 by Align Technology, Invisalign is a personalized treatment with clear aligners that specially-trained dentists create for you. Being clear, you can keep Invisalign on and have your teeth progressively come to their desired shape.

Step 1: First Consultation

Your journey to a most-awaited smile starts with a chat with your trusted Invisalign dentist. During this consultation, the top Dentists in Texas will take an X-ray of your teeth to assess their alignment. After understanding your teeth structure and cosmetic needs, the professional will advise you on how Invisalign best fits your needs. You will also understand the payment terms and financing available.

Did you know that over 10 million people have chosen Invisalign to straighten their teeth? This number continues to grow as more people discover the benefits of this advanced orthodontic treatment.

Step 2: Custom Plan Made For You

Once your dentist has all the necessary information, they will create a treatment plan just for you. This plan maps out the precise movements of your teeth and estimates your treatment time. The average treatment time for Invisalign is about 12 to 18 months, which can vary depending on your teeth’s complexity.


Imagine you have a mild case of crowding in your lower front teeth. Your dentist’s treatment plan might include a series of 20 aligners, with each aligner being worn for two weeks. This means your treatment would last approximately ten months.

Step 3: Creating the Aligners

After approving your treatment plan, the next step is to create your unique Invisalign aligners. Every Invisalign aligner is customized; no two aligners are the same. Using advanced 3D printing technology, Invisalign manufactures a series of aligners for your teeth. Each aligner is made from smooth, BPA-free plastic, causes no discomfort for long hours of use, and is virtually invisible.

A version of Invisalign is designed specifically for teenagers, with special features like compliance indicators and eruption tabs for growing teeth.

How Invisalign Dentists Create Perfect Smiles: A Step-by-Step Guide_2Step 4: Wearing the custom-Aligners

Now comes the exciting part—starting your treatment! The dentist will hand you a set of aligners, which are meant to be replaced after about two weeks. The aligners gradually shift your teeth according to the plan explained to you by the dentist.  They’re removable and easy to clean. For optimal results, you must wear aligners for most of the day, and the recommended daily time for wearing the custom aligners is 20 to 22 hours.

According to an American Association of Orthodontists survey, nearly 90% of patients reported feeling less unnatural about their orthodontic treatment with Invisalign than with traditional braces.

To keep your aligners clean, rinse them with water every time you remove them. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the plastic. You can also clean them with a gentle toothbrush and clear antibacterial soap.

Step 5: Regular Follow-Ups

You’ll meet with your dentist every six to eight weeks throughout your treatment. In these meetings, the dentist can check on your milestones and provide you with the next set of aligners. They can also make adjustments, if necessary, to ensure your treatment stays on track.

Invisalign aligners are designed to apply just the right amount of force in the right place at the right time. This precision is what makes Invisalign so effective at straightening teeth.

Step 6: Refinements

As you near the end of your treatment, your dentist may recommend refinements to perfect your smile. Refinements involve additional aligners to fix finer adjustments. This step ensures that your teeth are in their optimal position for a flawless smile.


Suppose your upper front teeth need more adjustment after your initial treatment. Your dentist might create a refinement plan with an additional 5 to 10 aligners for the perfect alignment.

Step 7: Retainers

It’s time to celebrate your new smile at the end of your Invisalign treatment! However, maintaining your results is crucial. Your dentist will provide you with custom-made retainers to wear at night. These retainers help keep your teeth in their new position and prevent them from moving away from the newly attained position.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics found that 30% of orthodontic patients experience some degree of relapse if they don’t wear their retainers as instructed.

How Invisalign Dentists Create Perfect Smiles: A Step-by-Step Guide_3Benefits of Invisalign


One of Invisalign’s most significant advantages is its near-invisible look. The clear aligners won’t be visible unless someone takes a very close look, allowing you to get your teeth aligned. This aesthetic appeal makes Invisalign a popular choice for all age groups who desire a subtle approach to teeth straightening.


Invisalign aligners are made from soft-textured plastic, reducing irritation, inconvenience, and the risk of mouth sores that often accompany metal braces.


Invisalign aligners are removable, making it easy to maintain your oral hygiene routine and enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions. There are no more dietary limitations and cleaning challenges associated with traditional braces.

Predictable Results

Invisalign uses advanced technology to create a customized treatment plan, ensuring predictable and precise results. With every follow-up visit, you will see visible results and how your final smile is shaping up.


  • Invisalign aligners are FDA-approved, ensuring they meet strict safety and efficacy standards.
  • For some patients, Invisalign treatment can be faster than traditional braces, with average treatment times ranging from 12 to 18 months.
  • Consistent wear of aligners and regular check-ups are essential for desired results.
  • Celebrate your new smile and maintain it with proper aftercare.
  • Consult a qualified Invisalign dentist at Taylor Dental and Braces to create a personalized treatment plan.